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The Panther Post


The Panther Post


The Panther Post

Halachot of Promo Code Scams
Halachot of Promo Code Scams
Moshe Feldman (‘23), Academics Editor • February 7, 2022
Inside YULA’s Entrepreneurship Culture
Inside YULA’s Entrepreneurship Culture
February 7, 2022

The entrepreneurial spirit shared among the YULA Boys Division student body has been on full display since the beginning of the pandemic....

YULA Israel Advocacy Club Awarded $10,000 Grant
YULA Israel Advocacy Club Awarded $10,000 Grant
February 7, 2022

Rabbi Menachem Hecht, who teaches at both YULA Boys’ and Girls’ Divisions, also helps plan student activities, such as Persian Culture...

YULA Student Tutoring in the Boys Division
YULA Student Tutoring in the Boys Division
February 7, 2022

YULA’s Boys Division offers a variety of tutoring services to ensure the success of each student. Through specialized tutoring sessions,...

Volume VI Issue 2: February 2022
Volume VI Issue 2: February 2022
PRO: School Vaccine Mandate
PRO: School Vaccine Mandate
CON: School Vaccine Mandate
CON: School Vaccine Mandate
How long in advance should you study for your English final?
Shoshana Helfand (26'), Co-Editor In Chief
Third-Party Gemara Resources Out of Reach
Third-Party Gemara Resources Out of Reach
Andrew Rubel (‘23)
AP: To Test or Not to Test
AP: To Test or Not to Test
Leora Teichman (‘22) and Israel Gootin (‘22)
Shabbat Dips Duo
Shabbat Dips Duo
Yehuda Holender ('22), Culture Editor
What Happens When In-Person Socializing Meets Smartphones?
What Happens When In-Person Socializing Meets Smartphones?
Aharon Topp (‘24)
Recent Letter to the Editor:

Dear Editor, I am writing to express my disagreement with last issue’s article, “Two Wrongs Don’t Make a Right.” I believe that opposite to the writer’s opinion, that it is our civil duty as citizens of the United States to make our voices heard when we disagree with the government. If we all remain silent in the face of injustice, then the values we oppose will only grow more prominent. Thus, in my view, this article misrepresents American democracy. My question to the Panther Post and the author of this article is: What are other means, other than demonstration, to voice our disappointment in the government?

Write a Letter to the Editor

A vital part of The Panther Post is our extensive opinion section, which includes both the Editorial Board’s opinions, as well as op-eds written by the student body. But these pieces should not be the end of the conversation; instead, they should catalyze a productive conversation about issues important to our community. So we want to hear your opinions. Let us know how you feel about the articles you read––whether you agree, disagree, or have a relevant comment.

Letters to the Editor are essential parts of all newspapers, and ours should be no different. We asked that you send your brief reactions (an edited 150 words) to [email protected] so that we and all of our readers can hear our community’s diverse opinions.

We will feature the most eloquent, pertinent letters on the homepage of the website.